Sunday, July 20, 2014


Summer is nearing its end (sob), and I am gearing up for a week of par-tay preparation!  My bubba is turning 3 already!!!  I really can't believe it.  I know it's cliché, but time really does fly.  It seems like yesterday that I was preparing for his birth.  Now, he's a bouncing, running (sprinting!), talking, crazy, cute boy!

The theme we are running with for this party is "Mickey Mouse/ Race Cars" as requested by my boy. I'm having fun trying to marry the two themes into something sort of cohesive.  Thank goodness for Pinterest!  Also, thank goodness for my technologically savvy graphic arts teaching hubby.  He's making a ton of signs and posters for the theme.  His skills allow us to customize things to include both the Mickey theme and the race car theme.  Good times.

This summer has been pretty nice.  I've felt well, thank goodness.  I've had lots of quality time with my kids and our no-longer-little family.  We've been to the beach several times, had some day trips, and had lots of relaxation.  Hopefully it'll be enough to get me through the upcoming school year!

The only hiccup, and it was a big one, was the lovely mouse that committed suicide into the fan unit of our air conditioner.  Thanks to that little bugger, we were without air for two weeks during the first major heat-wave of the summer.  Those were some miserable weeks, let me tell you!  Luckily, my mom lives near-by and was all to happy to have us camping out at her house during the hottest parts of those days.  Now, thanks to a rodent control/air quality specialist company (and a lot of my husband's hard earned summer school money), we are mouse free with a lifetime guarantee and our attic and air conditioner are good as new.  Both have been sanitized to "good as new" condition.  The peace of mind and working air are worth the sickening amount it took to get them.

Okay, here's my proud moments of the day:
1.  I've planned and scheduled almost all of the party stuff.  Now to execute everything!
2.  I'm committing to healthy eating and exercising this week (now that I've told you, I have to do it, right?).
3.  I wrote in my journal tonight.  Yay me!

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